Monday, October 17, 2011

Colton Updates

Here are some of Rachelle's FB status updates...keep praying!!!

10/12/11 -- "Dr. Skarli was just in and said to give Colton a little more time and see what he does. I don't know about you but that's the best advice I have heard from any of the doctors"
10/13/11 -- "She has had to bag Colton 3 times this morning since 7..... He was squeezing my finger though."
10/14/11 -- "Lisa Vansconis-We will be hosting a candlelight Vigil for Colton on October 25th at 7PM- flashlights only please. More information at the next meeting. ( October 20th) posted by Lynn Feuerstein on Greenville's Culture and Diversity Club's page. Will keep everyone posted as more info is available."
10/15/11 -- "Colton has been desatting more than usual today. I'm really scared!! I know I don't usually post my feelings but I was hoping that maybe you could say an extra prayer for Junior and I."
10/17/11 -- "They are going to do an EEG in a little bit and then sometime later they will do an MRI."
 10/17/11 -- "I just got done reading to Colton. I don't know if he can hear me but it don't hurt. His heart rate was higher though."

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