Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Shattuck Family Reunion - Part II

Here is Part II of the 2011 Shattuck Family Reunion.  If you have any pictures, please share them with me so I can post them ( 

2011 Shattuck Family Teens, plus a few : )
The Teens singing us a song
Keegan receiving his 1st medal for Basket Ball, he was sooo proud of it!!! (Grandson of Lee)
1st Place Basket Ball Team:  (LtoR):  LaMorris Crawford (Lee), Keegan Cooper (Lee) & Randy Norris (Florence)
2nd Place Volley Ball Team (LtoR):  First 2 are family friends, Anthony & Allen Jessup (Marian)

1st Place Volley Ball Team -- We teased this team because all the former and current family presidents were on it : )
1st Place Volley Ball Team (LtoR) Back Row:  LaMorris Crawford (Lee), Stan Petty (Lee),
Randy Shattuck (Mac), Earl Aungst (Florence) 
Front Row:  Charyl Petty (Lee) & Megan Crawford (Lee)
Little Miss Amiah Grace (Lee)
Amiah & Keegan (Lee)
Euchre Winners (LtoR):  Stan Petty-3rd (Lee), Bernie Jordan-1st (Evelyn) & Chris Petty-2nd (Lee)
Lee and his baby girl, Janiece
Lee & his grandson Keegan

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