Saturday, October 9, 2010

Introducing.... Colton Jaymes Haus

Congrats to Rachelle (Jessup) & Jr. Haus, on the birth of their son--Colton Jaymes Haus!  He was born on Sunday, October 3rd @ 8:18a.m.  He weighed in at 7 lbs. 1 oz. and was 19" long.  Baby Colton is the grandson of Aunt Marian (Shattuck) Jessup and a great-grandson to George & Edna!  Colton is their first child and they are so happy he arrived safely!  He was born 6 weeks early and is in need of our prayers!  If you would like to follow up on his daily progress, you may request Rachelle or Larry (Jr) Haus' friendship on Face Book.  Please keep this precious little family in your prayers, little Colton has already had one surgery and may need more in the future.  Congrats once again to Rachelle & Jr!

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