Sunday, November 8, 2009

New Update on Joy

Just thought I'd give another update on Joy. She will be having surgery tomorrow (11/9) so they can try and get the fluid out of her right lung or she will not have use of it in the future. It will be a very painful surgery, so please pray for her and her family! She will have another tube inserted into her chest, as well as an epidural to help manage the pain, for several days. If you haven't sent her or her family a card, please take the time to do so -- they will really appreciate it. Their address is under the post "Pray for Joy Montgomery", the November 2nd post.

Saturday, September 12, 2009

First Official Post

Well I must begin by telling you, I am the granddaughter of these two wonderful, individuals: George & Edna (Cobb) Shattuck. They are the parents of my father, Leland Shattuck. I have been asked to work on this site (by the family) so that we will be able to look into the lives of our family. This site will not be perfect, but I will do my best to make it a nice site for all of us looking on! Please feel free to send me your ideas/suggestions, poems, pictures, family happenings (births, weddings, deaths, etc.), so that we can share them with the rest of our family. My email address is:, this is where you need to send me all the items you wish to have posted on here. I will try to post them ASAP, but I will be sharing them with the Reunion Board, before I post them on here. They will give me the approval to post them, as this is a family project and we do not want anything that would displease/disgrace our family or God, posted on here! Thanks for allowing me to create this site and thanks for being the best, and probably largest, family in the world! : )