Tuesday, August 2, 2011

2011 Family Reunion Schedule


TIME             FRIDAY                                   PROJECT LEADER
All Day         Arrivals & Registration           Ruth Nixon
Lunch on your own
6:00PM          Dinner Pot Luck Pavilion        Dawn Albring
(Bring 2 Dishes 2 Pass)

TIME           SATURDAY                             PROJECT LEADER9:30AM        Basketball Tournament             LaMorris Crawford
Lunch on your own
12:30PM       Coed Volleyball Tournament            Michael Jessup
1:30PM         Arts & Crafts Ages 4-7             Janiece Cooper
6:00PM         Dinner - Pot Luck Pavilion                 Dawn Albring
(Bring 2 Dishes 2 Pass)
7:00PM         Finish any Tournament As Needed
8-10PM         Euchre Tournament /Pavilion     Stan/Tim Petty
8:30-11PM    Games/Crafts/Snack - Kitchen Ages 8-11  MaryLee Baker
9:00PM          Campfire
11:00PM        Teen Snack in Kitchen              Brian/Melody Bennett

TIME              SUNDAY                                             PROJECT LEADER

10 -11:00AM   Special Singing in Tabernacle        Ruth & Al Nixon
11:00 -Noon     Worship Service in Tabernacle    Earl Aungst
12:30PM            Lunch in Pavilion                          Dawn Albring
(Bring 2 Dishes 2 Pass)
1:30PM             Horseshoe Tournament         Michael Jessup/Stan Petty
2:00-3:30 PM    Arts & Crafts Ages 4-7      Janiece Cooper
3:30PM Bingo Shirley Petty
6:00PM Dinner in Pavilion                               Dawn Albring
(Bring 2 Dishes 2 Pass)
7:00PM            Gospel Sing-Along                 Al & Ruth Nixon
8:30-11PM       Games/Crafts/Snack - Kitchen Ages 8-11  MaryLee Baker
9:00PM Campfire
11:00PM             Teen Snack Time            Brian/Melody Bennett

TIME                   MONDAY                      PROJECT LEADER
9:30AM              Big Family Softball Game      Randy Norris
11:00AM            Prep for Big Family Lunch    Dawn Albring
NOON Lunch kick off (Noon-Sharp)
1:15PM                 Award Ceremony/Pavilion    Stan/Dawn/Michael
1:30PM                Family Meeting /Pavilion
2:00PM               Family Auction
3:00PM Campground Cleanup Starts Need All Families to Help

PLEASE NOTE:All items for discussion at the Family Meeting need to be given to Stan, Dawn or Michael no later than 11:00 a.m. Monday morning.

Need to ask for family volunteers to help with designated areas of campground for cleanup. This will prevent the Aunts and Uncles and leaders from having to do the cleanup. And prevent the camp from raising our fees even higher.

2011 Family Reunion Newsletter

July 2011

Dear Family Members,

Greetings Everyone! The 2011 Shattuck Family Reunion is fast approaching, Friday Sept.2nd through Monday, Sept. 5th this year. The reunion will again be held at the Carson City Christian Campground, 5941 S. Mount Hope Road, Carson City, MI. 48811.

Here are some recommended items to bring: 
**Bring your family, food and come join in on some fun!
**Items for the auction-homemade preferred. Helps support camping expenses.
**Bats, balls and gloves for family softball game.
**Music, instruments, CD’s/tapes for gospel sing and Sunday Service.

--Please, follow campground rules. They are posted by campground in pavilion.

--Upon Arrival Please Register with Ruth Nixon. Please find her ASAP.

--The youth dorm will again be monitored by Melody and Brian Bennett who continue to do an outstanding job!!!
Please sign up youth at youth dorm with Melody and Brian. Do not allow your children to stay in youth dorm unless you have signed them up. Also understand that during the day it is still the parent’s responsibility for their children’s care.

--We Do Not have a preteen dorm for the younger group. If you would like to help with this group please contact Stan Petty at 765-425-2307.

--No rate increase again this year for rooms or camp sites. $10 a night for campers or tents with electric & water sites: $20 a night for water/electric/sewer camp sites: $10 a night per room for the quiet dormitory. We will continue to try and keep these low rates as long as we do well with the offering and the family auction. There is no charge for the youth dorm as long as at least one family member stays in a paid area. A $5 per night fee will apply if no parent or guardian is staying on the grounds.

--The cost for the exclusive use of the campground from Friday evening through Monday is $1,800 again this year. The room and camp site fees cover about ½ of this expense. Of course there are other expenses liability Insurance, paper products, postage and printing of this letter. So again, we are looking for your participation in the auction and offering to cover the remaining costs.

--We are asking that everyone help with cleanup of campgrounds. We are going to ask for volunteers for cleanup of specific areas.

Any topics you want addressed at the family meeting submit in writing and give to current elected officer; 
Stan Petty or Dawn Albring.

Thank You for your support. Come expecting a great time of fun and fellowship!